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FREE e-book "8 Things to Know About Veterinary Care"

April 2, 2008

Last week, I lamented about Lilly’s penchant for turning into a mean, rotten girl when other dogs get close to her darling daddy. There are certain toys that might cause a similar reaction in the wrong circumstances, especially if they involve food — like a rawhide or a stuffed kong. But, the other day, Lilly and Ginko enjoyed a bit of chewing fun practically side by side. Take a look.

curved away

I love the body language here. See how each one is curved away from the other. This is doggy speak for “Even though I’m right here, I mean no harm.”

It’s not that they won’t growl at one another over a chew toy like this. Ginko likes to wait for Lilly to soften one end, then he’ll try to steal it. But, she’s no dummy. It takes guile. He often pretends to see something interesting out the window. When Lilly’s concentration breaks and she moves away, he’ll sneak in and steal it. When she realizes she’s been duped, then she races off to find his to take.

Most times that works, but occasionally, Ginko tucks one under his armpit and chews the other.

But, this day, they chewed themselves silly … side by side.

And, while I’m bragging, I just have to say — don’t their coats look super shiny? I suspect it helps that they’re mostly black, so the shine really shows.

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. Thanks! It’s the essential fatty acids I give them. There are some in their food, but I give each one a “fish oil” capsule once a day with breakfast. People ask me all the time, “Did they just have baths?” But, the answer is usually “nope.” Their coats just look really good. And, I don’t even brush them as much as I should.

    Yes, Ginko does that whine, poor-me thing too … even though he has a perfectly good chew of his own. It’s like he’s whining “But, Mom, I want THAT one!” Drives me crazy. Sometimes I break down and trade out the chews, just to shut him up. Lilly doesn’t care, really, and it makes Ginko happy.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen them switch on their own without one pulling a stunt to make it happen. That’s funny that yours trade like that. It’s almost like there’s an end-of-shift whistle or something. Very cute.

  2. “I just have to say —- don’t their coats look super shiny?”

    Hey, that’s exactly what I was thinking when I saw that photo, no kidding. Very pretty.

    My Lucy is like Ginko, waiting for the other dog to soften an end on their bone… However, unlike Ginko she hasn’t figured out a strategy to get Walter to give his up, so instead she stares at him, then starts to whine, then gives a sad bark or two, all the while looking terribly pathetic as though I had given him a bone but nothing to her. She makes me laugh every time. 🙂

    Sometimes when they’re both chewing on a bone, they’ll give a certain signal to each other and all of a sudden they’ll both get up, leave their bone and go and get the other’s in a game of tradesies. Not sure if this is a typical dog thing — do Lilly and Ginko ever do this?

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