Champion of My Heart

An Award-Winning Dog Site by Roxanne Hawn

Champion of My Heart launched in April 2007. 

Forget DOG YEARS. That's an EON AGO in publishing.

Welcome! People from all over the world continue to access our important resources. And for that, we're so very grateful.

We're kinda famous for things: 

  1. FREE Canine Relaxation Protocol Audio Files
  2. Adverse vaccine reaction killed our original canine heroine

The Story Behind Champion of My Heart

Backstory here.

TL/DR version: Dogs often earn "championships" of all kinds in a variety of dog sports and other competitive venues. For many, including probably my dogs, that's unlikely ... and yet ... they remain the champions of my heart. 

Newest Content

vpa - veterinary professional associate - colorado ballot measure 2024

Updated Thoughts on Colorado VPA Ballot Measure

I unpublished and updated this post about the VPA ballot measure in

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puppy rabies case in colorado main graphic

Q & A Puppy Rabies Case in Colorado

By now, most of you know about this puppy rabies situation in

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bird flu and pets main graphic featuring colorful pigeons

Bird Flu and Pets

Our home state Colorado has seen some bird flu (H5N1) issues recently.

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Dog needle core biopsy main image - illustration with 2 medical looking people on a light blue background - other icons include a syringe, a chart, an IV bag, and a thermometer

Dog Needle Core Biopsy for Intestinal Issues

Full disclosure, the study on dog needle core biopsy results is small.

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dog CPR website article main graphic

Dog CPR Stats and Updates

The first RECOVER guidelines for dog CPR and cat CPR published in

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Who lives here now?

Clover, Tori, and Mr. Stix + occasional foster puppies & foster dogs

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FREE e-book "8 Things to Know About Veterinary Care"

free e-book 8 things to know about veterinary care from champion of my heart
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