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February 19, 2024

I got news today (Feb 19, 2024) that my fellow Colorado author and border collie lover Leland Dirks died recently. It's such sad news, but I know that his beloved (late) border collie Angelo shepherded his crossing. As I often do upon the death of people I love and admire, I wrote a bit of a Leland Dirks tribute that I like to pretend he'd appreciate. Links to all my reviews of his books included. 

Leland almost NEVER shared photos of himself, so it took some doing to find one he shared many years ago. That's a young Angelo with him. 

I'm regretting that the ONE CHANCE I had to meet Leland in person in 2013 (before Lilly died). It's a long story, but we were driving near his area and hoped to connect, but it didn't work out because of stuff on my end of things. 

leland dirks tribute feb 2024

A Leland Dirks Tribute

The love of a good dog is everything.

Tell your stories, your way and on your terms.

Sometimes ravens become brothers.

Walk more than is necessary.

Treasure every animal and bird, every tree and cloud, every sunrise and sunset.

Bring plants to transplant with you when you go.

Sometimes you need to run bad people out of town through real-world politics.

Even hermits need friends.

Never lose faith in a loved one’s absence.

And, as heartbreaking as it is for those left behind, exit on your own terms.

- by Roxanne Hawn

Farewell for now, my friend. See you on the other side.

leland dirks tribute poem by roxanne hawn
About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. My wife and I worked with Leland and are very sad hearing about his loss. Do you have any details! We would love to k know for we are in shock. Thank you!

  2. That's a beautiful tribute to a one in a million man. He definitely made me a better person and the hole he's left is enormous. I thought my tears would have dried up by now but no. And that is the magic of Leland.

  3. I love your story. I too need dogs in my life. I have grown up them all my like. I can't remember a time I was without a pet dog. I'm on Border collie three right now. I truly believe they are the smartest breed out there. My current one was doing numerous tricks at four months old. I carry the leash with me on our walks because he is so in tune with me. The leash is there only because i respect that some people are afraid of dogs so i leash up when we are approaching someone I don't know.

  4. A beautiful tribute, Roxanne. It’s astonishing the number of lives that Leland touched through social media. His generous sharing of his writing and his photography will be remembered by many. I still have his Bobert word for the day list.

  5. I "met" Leland on Facebook and so loved his posts, pictures and adventures. The world has lost a truly loving man.

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