Lilly, the original canine heroine of Champion of My Heart, died December 17, 2013, following a 23-month fight for her life -- after she suffered a severe adverse rabies vaccine reaction.
We posted nearly 190 blog updates between January 2012 when the adverse vaccine reaction first happened on through December 2013 when Lilly died.
That's a LOT to wade through, so here are a few quick links to some of the most important adverse vaccine reaction information.
Routine Rabies Vaccine Gone Wrong
The very first days of Lilly's deadly reaction to a routine rabies vaccine (late January 2012 and early February 2012)
Lilly's massive adverse vaccine reaction relapse in August 2012.
Adverse Vaccine Reaction FAQ
Adverse Vaccine Reaction Financial Settlement Offer
Redacted version of the letter sent to the vaccine company asking for financial help paying for the extreme costs of Lilly's veterinary care, following the severe adverse vaccine reaction
Lilly's Final Days
When everything keeps getting WAY more complicated
Last gasp of Lilly's immune system