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FREE e-book "8 Things to Know About Veterinary Care"

December 1, 2010

I tell you … it’s never a dull moment around here. Lilly, our amazing canine heroine, ate an entire knot of rope off a toy and got an unexpected ear piercing from Ginko after getting a bit too close to his activity feeder. Here are those harrowing tales.

Poop Watch Thanksgiving Edition

So, you’ll recall that I’ve switched both dogs from bowls to activity feeders (food delivery toys) for their two meals each day?

That means those toys need to be thoroughly washed even more often. I learned by accident that the Tug-A-Jug turns into QUITE the terrarium if you screw the bottom back on before the rope dries.

So, in my infinite wisdom, I left the bottom off and set the jug (with rope in place) outside on the hot tub to dry in the sun and wind. Even though I scrubbed that rope like mad, including using the new bottle brushes I bought, it must have still smelled VERY much like food … because Lilly ate the inside knot right off.

I had heard the toy clunk down off the hot tub, but I assumed the wind caught it. So, it’s a good thing I went looking for it pretty quick … or Lilly might have eaten the entire rope.

While researching this WebMD piece on what might constitute a dangerous dog toy, I learned that stringy foreign bodies often pose the most danger.

I wasn’t pleased. To say the least.

BUT, Lilly hadn’t eaten all that much, and I had high hopes that she had nibbled it away in small pieces, rather than chewing off long strands.

So, I waited and watched, only allowing her to potty in the dog pen so that I could keep an eye out. Indeed, the long strands passed without incident.

One big veterinary bill avoided.

Accidental Ear Piercing

Last week,  during my time “off” Ginko got a little testy with Lilly when she approached his activity feeder. It was empty. Both dogs had just gone out to potty after breakfast, and I was in the process of picking up their used food delivery toys.

I guess Ginko felt a little crabby or something because he:

  • Snarked
  • Pinned Lilly to the floor
  • Air snapped several times, accidentally connecting once and poking a hole in Lilly’s ear

I didn’t know that at first, of course, but while I was feeling her all over to check for any boo-boos, I came up with two very bloody hands.

If you’ve never been through this (we have, alas), ear cuts bleed like crazy!

So, we put pressure on it, until the bleeding stopped. BUT, it still hurt, so Lilly kept shaking her head, which would renew the bleeding … not to mention make creative blood splatters All. Over. The. House. (If any CSI types ever show up here, we’re in trouble.)

Tom thought wrapping her head so that she could NOT flap her ears might work, so we tried this. It seemed to work for a while. Ultimately, however, it just made her flap more.

On a scale from 1-10, how pissed am I?

So, we went with a multi-part solution:

  1. Pressure to slow the bleeding
  2. Peroxide to clean the hole
  3. Corn starch to (we hoped) help the hole clot
  4. New skin to seal it off
  5. Crate time to limit house-wide blood splatter

And, it worked. Granted, Lilly’s ear is still completely crusted with New Skin that I’ll have to get off at some point.

I’m being MUCH more careful about picking up the toys as soon as each one finishes or while they are outside so that there isn’t a combined mad dash for either jug.

Entertain Me, Won’t You?

If you’re feeling funny, why not post a comment with your best caption to the pissed-off Lilly photo above. I could use a laugh.
About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. -snugs- My gosh… I’ll never forget Macy’s ear piercing. We were at a friends house and she was a whopping 8 weeks old, 4lbs. She got too close to one of the dogs there who’d found an icicle and had decided to guard it (I didn’t see the problem until it was too late). She pinned Macy to the ground and I came flying over to the sound of her shrieking.

    I picked her up and took her inside and whoa… yes, ears bleed a TON. She’d still been screaming when I’d picked her up so I was worried that she’d broken a leg (60lbs pinning 4lbs… I figured it could happen!) but then I had blood all over me. One of the scariest moments in my life. Took me a while to get the bleeding to stop, but it was one of those relieved moments too because a hole through the ear totally beat a broken leg or something worse.

    *And yes, it was a shock… the dog that had guarded the icicles was normally very good with puppies (all four were, which was why we were there… to socialize) and that was first time she’d ever guarded something. Floored her owners. And Macy took it all in stride after that (thankfully!), she just knows to let dogs with icicles be. xD

  2. Yikes. Poor Lilly. When Annie had a similar thing happen over an empty Kong, we ended up discovering that the lump on her ear flap was a mast cell tumor. The whole event was kind of a mixed blessing.

  3. I think that her look is beyond words… At least, I can’t come up with any!

    Just thought that I’d say – You might remember that dog class where K was bitten and you helped me because it wouldn’t stop bleeding? Well, I took her to the vet and they put her on antibiotics because bites are so prone to cause bacterial infections. I just thought that I’d pass that along so that I could give you one more thing to worry about 🙂 Just kidding…

    I hope that our heroine is looking happier now!

    1. Thanks, Candy, for the idea. I would switch to the wobbler in a heartbeat, if it was made of normal kong material and NOT hard plastic. I fear it will be Buster Cube noisy. Lilly is actually pretty quite with the Tug-A-Jug, and Ginko uses his Canine Genius (which we love).

  4. “You DO know what is going to happen to you when you return full use of my faculties, don’t you?”

  5. Good job in avoiding costly vet bills. Reading this reminded me of how my kids were when they were little – always getting into mischief and play-fighting with one another…cute!

  6. LOL! I think Mara nailed it already.

    It’s good to know rope passes without trouble as my dog tends to find rope threads every where, even if I vaccuum every day. I don’t know how this happens.

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