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FREE e-book "8 Things to Know About Veterinary Care"

April 14, 2008

One year ago yesterday, Lilly and I began our blogging career. Many thanks to all of you loyal visitors and subscribers (including the oodles of you who read but do not comment). I can see through my stats that our page views are growing … sometimes well over 200 a day (across the blog, not just that day’s entries). I think that’s pretty good for a young blog. I really hope to see that continue to increase this year.

If you have any suggestions on how to do that or on how to improve the blog, holler … I’d love to hear your ideas. For example, even though it’s time consuming, I want to include more photos and video this year, and as soon as I figure out a technical thing, I really want to have a photo contest.

I see from my stats that a few entries in particular get printed out a fair amount. My guess is that people are using them in classes or something, but I’d love to know for sure. So, if you print out entries, let me know why … when you get a chance.

I’m getting more and more opportunities to “review” dog product, so I’ll likely do more of that this year too. So, if you hear of wonder about any new products, let me know, and I’ll look into it.

And, oddly enough, we got a request Friday to do a video-taped interview to be used as part of a big-name product’s marketing/PR campaign. We have not agreed yet. I’m waiting to get some additional details. That might be very funny, though.

A quick administrative note to subscribers, who read via email, let me know if your emails often include weird typos (with letters missing, words running together, etc.) It often happens to the version I receive via email, but GoDaddy (my blog software people) swear it’s a problem only on my email. They say it has to do with not having the font in my email software, but I’m not so sure.

Well, that’s it from here. We just wanted to say thanks for playing along. It’s a lonely, hard road we’re on, and it really helps to have all of you rooting for us.

Happy Blog-a-versary to us!
Rox & Lilly

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. Thanks for the suggestion. I added monthly archive links to the left-hand sidebar. So, you can click on those and see a list of titles. I wish my software also displayed the excerpt when you pick a month or category, but it does not. I’ll have to write the company and add that to my long wish list.

  2. Wow, how time flies! Congratulations on a year of honest, informative, and entertaining blogging. Looking forward to reading about the next year of your and Lilly’s adventures.

    P.S. Since you asked for suggestions about the blog, here’s a minor one: Is there a way to view the archived posts in chronological order? The only way I can figure out to access older posts is via the Category Archives.

    P.P.S. More photos and video would be welcomed. 🙂

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