Oh, boy, do I have some puppy craving going on? Other girls might have biological clocks that tick for human babies, but my heart yearns for puppies. Not so much because I actually want a puppy right now. It’s more about the distraction and sense of possibility that they bring. Here are just a few new stinkers who have joined the families of friends.

There is another terrific photo of Kodi laying nose to nose with Mary’s son, but I don’t like to post pix of kids without permission. Suffice it to say, little Kodi looks like a fox, and Mary’s son looks absolutely smitten.
Nothing better for anyone (child or adult) than the love of a dog.
Great point on the service puppies! Ruby’s Raiser, please send us a story about raising Ruby! Happy Tails Books is doing a book on service dogs first thing next year. http://happytailsbooks.com/submit
I wish I had a household situation that would allow for a service puppy. Maybe some day … though, I’m not sure my heart could take it.
Y’know, there are always service puppies who need raising… 🙂
We transported some puppies to their new home in Wyoming a few months ago. I always said I didn’t want puppies in my house because they are so much work, but those two were so cute – just 8 weeks old. I can definitely see how people fall for them.
We’ll bring PLENTY of photos – and hopefully video! – of our new Rory when we’re out there for Thanksgiving. And, of course, a pair of bozos to play with too…
Aah, puppies … I love puppies. But honestly? I am happy with adult dogs.
Don’t need the distraction right now 🙂
I am having the same yearnings! You would think it was spring or something. Of course, then I think about sleepless nights and I snapped right back to reality.
Dog-geek, thank you SO MUCH for that snap back to reality. I needed it desperately. =)
I think you need to plan a visit to LA to spend some time with Dalai. I know that I am biased, but she sure is a wonderful little (okay, not so little-30lbs at 12 weeks) girl. And best of all,she’s sleeping through the night!
Oh, I wish I could come see her while she is “small.” I’ve never hugged a young Dane. Alas, my travel budget is non-existent. Other than a trip to speak at ASJA next spring, I have nothing planned (other than trips that clients are paying for).
Heh – well, if it makes you feel any better, the little Piglet is a dirt-eating pee and poo machine who is driving us to exhaustion. (Although he is awfully cute and did great at his first puppy class – awww!)
Silly Piglet. Indeed, pups are a boatload of work. Lots to think about, lots to worry about, lots to teach … all on VERY little sleep.
You and me both… I keep gazing at yellow lab puppies with adoration. Oh, how I’d love to have one join us. Then, I snap back to reality. Maybe someday but I’ll just have to pine for now. My two keep me plenty busy!