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FREE e-book "8 Things to Know About Veterinary Care"

April 27, 2011

One of the things I love best about Lilly, our canine heroine, is just how earnest she is about life. She takes most things in her day seriously. No matter what she does, you get the sense she truly means it. When she plays, she is all about playing. When she snuggles, she is all about snuggling. When she learns something new, she focuses like a laser on the task. A personal discipline is indeed one of my strong suits, but I could still learn a thing or two from my brilliant, genuine dog.

dog blog champion of my heartDog Training: Distractions and Drama

Our dog trainer friends tell us that when a dog cannot complete a task that we need to:

  • Give dogs more distance from distractions
  • Provide more frequent rewards
  • Lower our expectations

Lately, these strategies make a lot of sense in my life too. So next time you feel like you cannot get enough done or are not making good progress, ask yourself:

  • How can I get more space from the things bothering me?
  • Where are the rewards that matter?
  • Am I asking too much?

Back when I had an on-staff role in publishing, I often joked that my days felt like juggling BBs. Not bowling balls. Not medicine balls. BBs, whizzing by like bullets.

Lately, it has felt more like trying to work with a whole cavalcade of noisy animals speeding by on skateboards, in choppers, with jackhammers in hand. Perhaps you feel that way on occasion.

So, as we head into spring, let’s all look to simplify and give ourselves the space we need to succeed. How about we work at staying under threshold for a while, shall we?

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. We can learn so much from animals – you’re absolutely right. Love your thought about simplifying and giving ourselves space. I think the two work off of each other really well.

  2. That focus is certainly one of the things that I admire most in my dogs. They are “here now”. I try to emulate it… it’s a good thing to aspire to.

  3. True, true! It’s all about being kinder, gentler and more in the moment with ourselves…that’s what I read when I read this.

  4. Animals offer so many valuable life lessons. I think child have that same earnestness and wonder, which I absolutely adore!

  5. Love it. I felt like I was getting pelted with those BBs earlier this week. Not a fun feeling. I’ve gotten a few out of the way now and I feel a lot less put upon and don’t have to dodge so much. Whew!

  6. The modern world does feel like BBs, whizzing past, in this digital age. I find taking time in the garden, to contemplate nature, helps.

  7. Perfect advice. Dogs just have it so right, don’t they? Simplicity and earnestness, that’s what it’s all about. I definitely need to watch my dog more closely and follow HER lead (except with eating. She is just not dainty…)

  8. I love this! I could substitute Lily’s name for my 17-month-old’s. It’s so good to approach life earnestly, like you mean it. And I totally agree about applying these discipline lessons to our own human foibles and difficulties. I want to frame this. When are you writing a book Roxanne? This post was just the pep talk/insight I needed this morning! Thank you.

  9. Terrific advice! I often think that if I could just be more dog-like I would just be so much happier. Today my mom’s dog Monty is visiting and I always think he is just the happiest of all dogs. Not the brightest bulb, but always just so happy about everything and just so darn content to just be a dog. If I could just achieve that contentment as a person, I would be all set!

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