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October 18, 2011

Unless you’re a dog girl or guy who also likes to garden, feel free to ignore us today … because we’re going Entirely Off Topic. Here’s a quick overview of our high-altitude gardening successes and failures this year.

best dog blog, champion of my heart, photo of tiny cucumber
One tiny cucumber.
best dog blog, champion of my heart, okra grown at altitude
One small serving of okra (for Tom).
best dog blog, champion of my heart, photo of 3 different peppers from garden
A decent harvest of peppers x 3 from just a few plants.
best dog blog, champion of my heart, photo of tomatoes from garden
We're still getting quite a few tomatoes, even now ... but not much longer.
best dog blog, champion of my heart, zucchini plant
Finally overcame squash issues with this one hearty plant in a straw bale, but it got zapped by the frost / snow.

We’re also still getting a strong crop of kale from inside the greenhouse. I’ll keep it alive in there as long as I can, but temps are getting pretty low at night.


About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

    1. I will definitely try the straw bale again, Kris, but I’m doing to start earlier, using walls of water. I’m still trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t in the greenhouse. I do really well with kale, and I love it, so that’s a definite. We’ll just see about the rest.

  1. That is the cutest cucumber ever! I don’t think that I have seen such a tiny one. Did it at least taste good?

  2. You made me appreciate my tiny urban raised bed. We’re much more sheltered from frost and I’m still getting tomatoes.

    I’m impressed by your peppers. They don’t like me much.

    Isn’t it easy to eat well in the summer when you have such nice stuff coming out of your garden?

  3. Dogs and gardening, what more could a person ask for? I’m impressed with the pepper yield. Mine were slow on the draw and I brought in two small green peppers when it appeared my garden was going to be taken over by frost. My cucumber plants died. I think it was mildew that got them from all the rain. That took out my zuccini plant too. Who in the world can’t grow zuccini?! Obviously, me.

  4. I only had one cuke this year and it was about the same size as yours.

    My yield (from 4 tomato plants!) was about 12 cherry tomatoes and 1 regular tomato. The peppers never grew. My garden failed miserably this year and the frost came about 2 weeks ago.

    I WILL get that greenhouse built for next year!

    1. We do have a blender (and a juicer), Alexandra. I might resort to that if weather forces me to pick a lot of kale at once. For now, we’re picking just what we need each night for a salad with dinner. It’s awesome raw. But, I also like to work it into soups / stews.

    1. Thanks, Tamara. It took a lot of trial and ERROR to get anything. Many things still failed miserably, like cabbage and most of the other squashes.

  5. Oh my, that tiny cuke is just adorable. To grow any cuke, not to mention all of your other bounty, in a greenhouse is just amazing.

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