Last week, Lilly went to the doctor for a major blood draw in preparation for our experiments with anti-depressants for her. Even though there are no indications (other than behavior challenges) of illness, we wanted to be extra sure. So, we ran about $150 worth of blood tests. All is well, but after Lilly went back with the veterinary nurses, she came back with a classic case of Stink Eye.
She, of course, flew into my lap glad to be free of fear and restraint. Once her kiss-fest ran its course, I asked her to just hang out next to me while I finished my conversation with our family veterinarian. She did so without complaint.
But, when one of the nurses came by to confirm Lilly’s birthdate with me, Lilly shot her a look that could kill. She gave her the best, squinty-eyed, tight-mouthed Stink Eye. I could practically hear her thinking, “That’s the Mean Lady.”
I’ve seen it before, so it came as no shock to me, but I honestly think her glare caught the nurse off guard. She commented upon the look, seemed sad that Lilly harbored a grudge, and asked if she could give Lilly a treat to make amends.
Lilly crawled low across the ground to retrieve the treat, but I doubt the gesture did much good.
I guess we won’t know for sure until our next veterinary visit, but I suspect that the nurse’s face is well planted in Lilly’s memory.