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FREE e-book "8 Things to Know About Veterinary Care"

January 2, 2008

Since I had to take Ginko down to the doctor today for follow-up blood tests to check his thyroid levels after 2 months on the new dosage, I went ahead and drug him around with me while I ran a few errands. The snow and cold have kept us fairly cooped up, so once I’m off the mountain, I’d best get a few things done. From our outing, I have two happy things to report.

One is that Ginko did NOT throw up in the car. Unlike Lilly, he does not have a stomach of steel and often gets car sick, but today, he was super. Sure, he whined and bellowed the entire time. Sure, he was a complete stinker about getting in the crate (he prefers to ride loose). Sure, he gave the veterinary technician a run for her money with the blood draw, but all in all, it was a successful outing for my big boy who is really very sweet, but not particularly well trained.

The side benefit? He’s thrilled to be home and ready for a LONG nap.

The second happy thing is that I ran into an agility pal from way back. I told her about the blog, so if you’re reading this … HEY, Julie! …

Julie’s lab Nina and Lilly took their very first agility classes together three summers ago now. Remember, that was back before Lilly got so grumpy with other dogs, so she and Nina often played together after class.

We, as many of you know, moved on to different agility trainers, and Julie and Nina turned to field training, so we don’t see them much. In fact, it seems that I run into Julie or her husband about once a year somewhere down in town.

Anyway, Ginko and I stopped to pick up a few groceries to tide us over until I build up stamina for another Costco barrage, and there was Julie.

She had Nina and her youngest (also a lab) Star in the car. Star managed to cut her front leg on New Year’s Day, so she’s all bandaged up. She seems like a real sweetie. Julie says that Star is a much softer personality than Nina, who is what’s known in the biz as a bomb-proof dog. Nothing fazes Nina. She’s just happy to be working.

Here I am excited about my new wool hat to wear while running Lilly, and Julie reports getting a new shotgun for her field trials with Nina. Ahhh, how training a performance dog changes our holiday wish list. :O)

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

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