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May 29, 2008

As I’ve said before, it’s likely going to be a LONG time before I consider getting another dog, but just like I collect name ideas, I’m starting to collect characteristics and/or personality traits that I’d hope my next dog has. It’s a work in progress, of course, but here’s what I have so far:

  • Smart
  • Not fearful
  • Good with other dogs and people
  • Affectionate
  • Athletic

Gigi (our trainer) says we get the dogs we get for a reason, but I’d like to think it’ll be a tad easier next time. Would I be willing to take on another somewhat fearful dog? I honestly don’t know.

What’s on your wish list?

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. One of my current dogs is a scenthound who has shown me again and again that she can not be offleash in most circumstances. If there are prey scents nearby, she will be gone, come heavy trucks or highways. It’s not a matter of her choosing to ignore my trying to recall her; when she’s on scent, it’s like she’s stoned — everything in her world disappears except for her nose and the prey. It makes me so sad that her offleash opportunities are limited. My other dog has the “invisible leash” quality so there is never any worry whatsoever of losing him while on an offleash walk.

    Anyway, all of that to say that one of the characteristics on my “next dog” list is “comes with invisible leash”.

    There are, however, some scenthounds who don’t seem to have this problem, but… I’m not going to risk it again.

  2. Thank you! I have a feeling there is a way to add links in my blog as well… I just haven’t surfed around there to figure it out yet. xD I don’t think they make it easy anywhere. lol

  3. Healthy! Yes! That’s an auto-important one for me. ^_^

    And handler-focused would be nice. Easy to motivate… xD Those two have been rather difficult with my boy… he’s willing to work with me, but in environments where he’s not completely at home (anywhere but home… -sighs-) he’s one of the hardest dogs to motivate. It’s taken us a few years just to get to the point where he’ll reliably eat outside and he still isn’t comfortable to play in most environments.

    And very true Rox! As much as he’s a stinker and his issues can be overwhelming… he’s still an incredible blessing.

  4. Valerie, I love your blog! Next time I’m in adding links (which is a total pain with my software), I’ll put you in our sidebar.

  5. Ah, yes. HEALTHY. That’s a pre-requisite. I can remember when our late Dal was so sick and when Ginko blew out both knees at age 3 and when Lilly was so sick as a pup.  I used to think, “Gee, I wonder what it’s like to ONLY see the vet once or twice a year?”

    And, maybe I should add handler-focused to the list? I’ve never had an independent hound or a solo-working terrier, so I’ve got to say that along with Sharon’s “pleasing” idea that I personally prefer a dog that’s bred to work in conjunction with the handler, not so much independent of.

    Good dream … indeed. Then again, in my world, every dog (even the stinkers) are a real blessing.

  6. I do have a Great Dane. I adore Murray, but he is very fearful– and can be agressive because of it. Which means that I spend most of my life training him. I will get another Dane (hopefully next year when I have the Brittany under control)but he sure isn’t an ‘easy dog!’

  7. Oh Valerie, I relate: I remember those days of just putting the leash on and walking!
    My young dog is not reactive like Murray, but she has other issues, as have all of my dogs. So I guess there’s aways a trade-off. But my wishlist:
    Interested in pleasing

    Nice dream, huh?

  8. For those who missed it, check out the photos of Sharon’s Dane Murray from a couple days ago. Here’s a link … I hope it works.

  9. we’re not in the market to get a dog but if I could, I would absolutely get a big, huge, beautiful Great Dane. I am obsessed with those guys – gentle giants! Maybe the quality I like so much is they would make me feel safe and protected…

  10. I’d like to hope my next one will be easier too. -weak grin- I like to believe I got Toby for a reason, but at the same time I’m hoping for an easier second go.

    My wish list so far?

    -Energetic/athletic dog
    -Good around dogs/people (they don’t have to be the lab personality of running up and loving everyone, just not reactive/fearful). I suppose I want a confident dog who can handle the everyday situations
    -Wants to work

    I actually have a longer list around here somewhere… For my next dog, it’ll definitely be a long, drawn out decision. I’ve been asked several times if I’d be willing to take on another dog-reactive dog like Toby, or other problematic dogs with reactivity issues, and that’s really a hard question to answer. I’m getting used to getting handed them at the adopt-a-thons because by now I’m learning to handle the tough situations… but sometimes I think we just really need a break. I can’t help but think, wouldn’t it be nice to just have a normal dog? One where walking down the street wasn’t a planned out, know where every dog is, have escape routes ready kind of walk. I love the times where we’re in the middle of nowhere because there’s nothing for him to stress about and I get that glimpse of what could be.

    There’s that dreamy part of me that goes, “Wouldn’t it just be nice to not have to worry if you rounded a corner and a kid/dog was right there?” There are some bad situations out there I wouldn’t want any dog in, but for the normal, easy going situations that are harmless… it’d be nice to just be able to walk on by. Would I take on another Toby? I just don’t know. Maybe someday, but I not at all sure I’d want it to be the next dog I get…

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