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FREE e-book "8 Things to Know About Veterinary Care"

October 8, 2009

Since it’s another low mental bandwidth kind of day, please enjoy these recent photos from our amazing valley. Think of us living, thriving, and being best, best friends amid this open, uncomplicated space.

{I’m sorry. Photos for this post got lost in a major blog photo glitch.}

Homestead colors


Aspen groves along our walk x 2


From down in the city, you can see this mountain with the distinct rock outcropping (known as “the frog”).


And, since there have been more early mornings around here than I generally like, I had to shoot this. I must find a way to match my mood to the image.


P.S. My sis has chemo again today, so if you’d like to send her good vibes, I know she would appreciate it. Think especially hard about having veins that are easy to find so that she doesn’t have to get stuck again and again. It’s looking more like she’ll need to have a port put in (another small surgery) for the rest of her treatments, so they can just plug in and go.

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. I’m sending your sis the vibes, every good one I can generate. Maybe a port wouldn’t be a bad idea if it prevents the regular trauma of trying find a vein.

    I love the sunrise photo. I always think that one of the only advantages to the shorter days of winter is that I get to see the sunrises and sunsets. Try to enjoy them – although I understand how hard that might be right now.

    Hang in there! Maybe we can host Sam and Marge out here someday! They seem like a great pair!

  2. We’d love to have you here in CO, but you need to finish school first, missy!

    And, yes, Lilly would be in much worse shape if we lived in a noisy, more populated area.

  3. And, one more comment.. a random musing, and a giggle that fits perfectly with this post.. I can’t help but think that Marge would probably be much closer to acting like a “normal” dog if she lived out there. It’s funny how fear can be so subjective.

    I joke around all the time now and say that I’m going to pack up and move to Colorado. Between you, KB, and several other bloggers/forum members who I’ve come into contact with, I’m in love with the beauty of your state. Heh.. I’d bring Marge by for a visit, but I don’t think she or your two would enjoy that very much!

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