Psilocybin for Dogs

Seriously. We need to talk about psilocybin for dogs because apparently people are giving psychedelics to pets. Major, major yikes. The potential uses, though, by trained professionals may

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Lessons From a Veterinary Hospital Shooting

More than a year ago, we reported on this veterinary hospital shooting in Kentucky. It took me a while and some money to get access to the police

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High ALP in Dogs

Wading through a huge stack of veterinary studies about CBD for dogs, it's clear that long-term use of CBD often causes high ALP in dogs. ALP is the

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Pet Microchip Scanner for Neighborhood

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2024 Veterinary Consolidation Update

Here's my 2024 veterinary consolidation update as I continue to worry about the kind of veterinary care options available to people like us in the future. The veterinary

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How Brains of Anxious Dogs Are Different

As much as I value, appreciate, and regularly use personal development and cognitive skills to work my way out of destructive feelings in daily life, I also understand

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Antibiotics and Dog Bites to Other Dogs

The decision to prescribe antibiotics gets weighed more carefully now than in the past because of the increase in meds-resistant infections. When it comes to antibiotics and dog

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Frail Dogs

With my recent fall, hospitalization, and orthopedic trauma surgery, I found myself both annoyed and amused at how the human medical staff often treated me like a VERY

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Detecting Dog Cancers

I don't pretend to understand the complexities of Raman molecular urinalysis, but a study published in February 2024 looks at its use in detecting 4 common types of

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10 Things I Learned from Leland Dirks

I got news today (Feb 19, 2024) that my fellow Colorado author and border collie lover Leland Dirks died recently. It's such sad news, but I know that

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