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March 18, 2009

Ages ago I asked about dreams you have about your dogs. Thanks, again, for your input. Well, in journalistic circles, where the motto is, “Blogger, do not scoop thyself,” I had to wait until the article I wrote for one of the American Kennel Club magazines came out. I recently got a copy. It explains the different kinds of dreams, when they typically happen in your sleep cycle, and what they mean.

Here is my own sample:

I once dreamt that Lilly swam through a creek swollen from a flash flood to dig out the
clogged inlet to our pond. Once she completed her dangerous task, she swam back
across the raging water, came into the house and stood smiling at my side.

“What a wonderful dream,”
Walden (a dream expert) tells me. “Every time you see Lilly doesn’t she open up your heart, calm
you down and unblock your creativity? She’s your plumber whose job it is to
keep your pipes clear. In the midst of turbulent emotions, she is not afraid to
weather the storm to support you. She’s symbolic of your courage, resilience
and loyal support.”

The full article originally appeared in the November 2008 issue of the AKC Gazette — here is a PDF of it, including a family-friendly discussion of one of Freud’s most famous dog dream interpretations.

Dreaming of Dogs

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. Ever since I had a dog purposely killed by someone (18 years ago), my dreams of my dogs always involve them being in some kind of life-threatening crisis, like being lost, hurt, or physically threatened, and me trying to save them. I wish that I could get past that awful event and have some of the wonderful dreams that others have!

    Great article!

  2. Terrific article–what a wonderful topic! I dreamed a few nights ago about my airedale, Dinah. Logs had fallen off a logging truck on the highway and caused some kind of traffic disaster, and Dinah was rounding up other airedales and keeping them (and me) safe. It was an odd dream, but it made me feel good.

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