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FREE e-book "8 Things to Know About Veterinary Care"

June 27, 2008

It was another long, tough week around Lilly-Town. We nearly gave up and came home from class several times. Here’s how it went.

Pull into the lot. Lilly refused to get out of the car for about 15 minutes.

Get her out, start gaining focus. Lilly got freaked out when someone slams a trashcan lid. She would not budge from the shutdown fetal position.

Get her moving finally. She settled in, until goodness knows what sent her cowering into the bushes.

Get her out of the bushes. She proceeded to work (albeit nervously) in the grassy park, through the underpass, up the trail … when insect sounds sent her into a tail spin.

Get her past that. She worked in a shaded clearing in the wildland part of the park.

Go hide while other dogs play. She did NOT react when a classmate runs up the mountain to us. Dog went away. All is well.

She finally got into a regular working mode. Lilly did several beautiful recalls. She was a total cheater in our LEAVE IT exercise where the ground is peppered with food. But, honestly, she was smiling, her tail was out, etc, so I didn’t care so much about the sorely lacking LEAVE ITS. And, our classmates, I think, enjoy seeing the usual Queen of Obedience being naughty. Fine by me.

She walked nicely with the pack (young dogs very close to her). She even tentatively ventured into the creek in a small opening away from the other dogs, but she was freaked by the deeper water.

Another trash can or a noisy bike freaked her out again. So, I try the often successful motto — The faster we move, the braver we are. I tried to get her to trot to a new spot, just to move. And, she decided to shutdown right on top of an other handler’s feet.

That’s a perfect way to make me feel like a total ass.

But, she finally got moving again.

We made it back to the grassy part of the park, somewhat happily, only to have 2 wild off leash dogs bomb toward our group. We got away from them pretty well, but still …

Lilly pretty much dragged me back to the car like this: Pulled ahead, recalled, pulled ahead, recalled, etc.

We were both exhausted.

Until I get the source of this extreme set-back figured out (and solved, I hope), I’m seriously thinking about skipping class. As much as I like (and need) the weekly support, I don’t think it’s doing either one of us any good right now.

Thoughts? Ideas? Encouragement? We surely need them.

P.S. Still no news on all the blood tests. We probably won’t know anything until next week.

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. We had 2 little outings over the weekend here in the canyon. One went great. One didn’t. Poor sweetie!

  2. I think skipping class for now is a good idea. It sounds like it’s an exercise in stress and frustration for both of you. I’d be really surprised if there isn’t some physical reason for Lily’s behavior and until that’s sorted out these classes might be asking a bit much of her. Also, it’s been so hot lately, I know my dogs don’t like doing much in the heat and it can sometimes make them cranky.

    However I’d still try to get her out and about in places that aren’t quite so overwhelming for her. Maybe work on some easy training stuff that she likes with just you and not with the pressure of a class or an overwhelming location.

    Just some thoughts, I’m no expert but that’s what I’d do in your situation.

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