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December 15, 2011

I cannot call this a review because I have NOT tried the product myself. However, I did attend a webinar last month for this new VueZone wireless webcam that’s being marketed to pet families as a way to monitor pets when you’re away. That includes, I’d guess, trying to decipher dog behavior problems that crop up.

Say, for example, Lilly’s sudden interest in the trash.


vuezone wireless web camI took a few notes during the conference call, and here are some things that seem pretty cool:

  • The cameras are wireless and can be mounted pretty much anywhere (including outside if you get little protective covers for them).
  • You don’t have to download any software or drivers.
  • Only you (or people you invite) can log-in and see what’s going on (via either computer or smart phone).
  • It has the option to record at certain intervals or upon motion in the 300-foot range (if you get the motion-detection cameras).
  • You can start with a single camera and hook up to 15 cameras into one system.

A few things that made me wonder …

  • The cameras use CR123 photo batteries, which sound like a pain to me. (I don’t know how expensive or hard to find they are.)
  • They are not meant to be broadcasting 24 / 7. VueZone instead expects  users will log in for just 5 minutes or so at a time, throughout the day.

Currently, you can only buy VueZone systems from the company itself or Amazon. The start up systems retail for around $160 – $@232, depending on how many and which kinds of cameras you want.

Bloggers who attended the conference call were entered to win a system for themselves and one to give away to readers. And, the first two who blogged about the product also won a system to keep.

FYI ~ I never heard who won.

Because I set the editorial calendar for the blog at least a week in advance (often more), I knew I wouldn’t be one of the first to blog about it, but I kind of hoped I might win the other way and maybe be able to give one of you a neat prize.

Alas, not the case.

So, I’m telling you about it because the product does intrigue me … not only for checking on pets and behavior issues, but for possible use for webcam-based events for blog fans.

For example, if I ever wanted to do a virtual “reading” or book event, maybe select folks could log in and watch.

I know there are other options out there for such web conferencing, but I think it would be fun to be more self-contained.

So, there you go … if you were looking for some wireless webcams, check these out.



About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. Hi Y’all,

    Thanks for sharing…Not sure I want my Human checking on me without me knowing. However, I wouldn’t know, would I?

    My Human says, like you, she’s intrigued.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

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