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FREE e-book "8 Things to Know About Veterinary Care"

December 28, 2007

Because of the holiday and because it’s been freezing-frickin cold, we didn’t do much training this week. We even skipped class last Sunday — mostly because I had some pre-holiday crabbiness. I didn’t think it was fair to take Lilly to class when my patience was running so thin. Plus, class was slated for a busy pedestrian mall 2 days before xmas, which takes an already scary environment for Lilly into another realm, and I just wasn’t up to it.

However, we had Tom’s mom as our house guest for 2 days, and I’m happy to say that Lilly was a very good girl. Despite being essentially snowed in, she was even relatively quiet in the house.

I can tell that she’s bored, and I’ve been bundling up to run her outside as much as I can, but Tom managed to catch a cold from his one-day trip to San Diego last week, and despite my best efforts to quarantine him … I caught the darn cold too.

He’s convinced that Lilly transferred the germs from him to me. The girl does love to kiss.

So, I’m under the weather, which is why there’s no blog from Thursday. Instead … just imagine me curled up on the sofa watching a “Dirty Jobs” marathon (love that show). In an attempt to rouse me from my nest, Lilly brought me toy after toy after toy.

By the end of the day, my sofa was surrounded by nearly every toy Lilly owns. It was a good try. And, I did take her out twice yesterday even though I felt like crud, but that’s all I could muster.

So, suffice it to say that the ONLY training we did this week was more LEAVE IT work. As recommended in the book, I’m working up to being able to throw a handful of treats in Lilly’s face without her eating any of it. It’s going pretty well, really.

It’s a precursor to trying to teach what Leslie McDevitt calls the “whiplash recall.” I’ll need to come up with a word for that … maybe HO!

Xmas eve Lilly and I also worked on blinking. She was sleepy, so it was easy, but I would blink at her. She would blink at me. The blinks got longer and longer, so I think she’s finally understanding. I still haven’t put a word to it yet. Maybe the physical cue is enough.

Anyway, I’d hoped to post some video this week, but it’s just too darn cold to talk Tom into following us around outside. Maybe next week.

Thanks again for visiting. Have a great weekend.

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. Those darn husbands, it took over 2 weeks to get over the cold that Jonny gave me. Make him spoil you to make up for it. I ended up living on hot bowls of soup and huddling over the humidifier until I could finally breathe again. Hope you feel better soon.

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