Last week, I got the chance to tour the KONG headquarters, which just happens to be in my hometown of Golden, Colorado. In fact, it’s simply on the far side of North Table Mountain from where we live. The company also has manufacturing centers in other spots in northern Colorado, but the facility closest to us makes the classic KONG shape we all know and love. BIG NEWS …
Soon the classic KONG line will include a teeny-tiny KONG made especially for toy-sized dogs. They’ll be on the market in April, but take my word for it… They could NOT be cuter. Seriously. They look just like the others, but very, very small. I bet they hold about a tablespoon of food, and that’s it.
Here are a few photos from the tour:

We’re currently working on dog product reviews of these items the folks at the Kong Headquarters were nice enough to give us. So, watch for those in the coming weeks.
Hot News We Cannot Share
I even got to see some brand new KONG products being made at the Kong Headquarters, but they won’t be available for a while, so I cannot talk about them or test them … yet.
Hello my name is Patricia Wood & my husband Bill invented PetWaste-A-Way® we are tyring to get it licensed & thought you might find it interesting. We have spent about seventy thousand dollars getting this far, unfortunately we have run out of money. PetWaste-A-Way® has huge potential with over forty million dogs in America.
We hope you too see there is a huge market in PetWaste-A-Way® . Thank you for your time.
PetWaste-A-Way® liquefies dog waste where the dog leaves it in just seconds and puts it into the soil. No more having to scoop, bend, or pick the poop up and put the dog’s poop into a plastic bag. There are over 37 million homes in America with more then one dog. That’s a lot of dog waste.
PetWaste-A-Way® is environmentally friendly, no harmful chemicals needed to liquefy the waste away and less plastic bags in the landfills.
PetWaste-A-Way® has two patente’s and is registered trademarked.
PetWaste-A-Way® has two working prototypes, one a rechargeable battery operated unit the other a gas operated unit.
PetWaste-A-Way® will be sold not only in pet care stores but also lawn and garden and where ever tools are sold.
PetWaste-A-Way’s® our consumers are the 37 million dog lovers that hate the bacteria filled poop they leave behind and doggie day care’s, hotel’s, motels, apartments with dogs, businesses that let their employees bring their dogs to work, any where dogs are aloud. We have even heard from teenagers that thought PetWaste-A-Way® would be a great first business for them.
PetWaste-A-Way® will have repeat business in two different ways.
PetWaste-A-Way® had a market annalist say 40 percent of the 37.7 million homes would buy it.
We have a lot more information if you too see the huge potential in PetWaste-A-Way® please contact us.
Hope You Have A Poop-Free Day !!
Bill & Patricia Wood
Love the giant Kong! Bet those teeny tine Kongs would make a good keychain! LOL!
That’s a great idea Diane. Maybe I’ll buy one just for that. :o)
KONG do have mini kongs that already are on a keyring!
Wow, very cool!!!
We love kongs around here. I think that we own 2 dozen. The only problem is that we’re finding that the red ones eventually start cracking and breaking when we repeatedly freeze food in them… So, we’re helping to keep Kong in business as we replace them!
You are right, KB. The freezing and all that does wear down the rubber over time. We have a really old KONG from Ginko’s puppyhood that has seen better days. I should probably just get rid of it.
That Kong sculpture is truly funny. I always thought they were such a strange shape! Eagerly await the review of the new products. Can anything beat the classic kong?
That’s what I think, Melanie. They were showing all the 200+ KONG products available now, including some coming on the market soon, and I’m still just a SUPER FAN of the original. My dogs just don’t really have interest in many of the newer toys.