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May 25, 2017

Saturday, May 27, is Clover’s third birthday. Already! So how is a Dog Mom supposed to celebrate our amazing birthday dog? With dog birthday party cupcakes, an exciting new present (woot!), and with another dog birthday video tribute!

Many thanks to Canine Cupcakes for sponsoring Clover’s dog birthday party treats and this post.

dog birthday party - canine cupcakes
This bundle of dog birthday party schwag would cost about $60 or so for several big doggy cupcakes and a bunch of little ones, plus all the fun stuff, from Canine Cupcakes.

Here is Clover’s official birthday portrait for the Big 03!

dog birthday portrait, border collie, champion of my heart, clover

It strikes me recently how grown-up she is now, compared to the tiny puppy-baby she was. Even looking at photos from a year ago, I can see a new maturity in her face and her body and her behavior.

border collie puppy photo

Links to Dog Birthday Past Pix and Video

Here are a few fun links, if you have the time and want to review how far we’ve come together:

Dog Birthday Party Cupcakes

Still, Clover and Tori often act like the silliest gooses you can imagine … like when you show them dog birthday cupcakes! I traded them 1 of the tiny Canine Cupcakes each, if they promised NOT to eat this big one in the photo. (ha ha)

birthday dog party with canine cupcakes

Dog Birthday Video Tribute

So, without further ado, happy, happy, happy birthday to the amazing Clover Lee Hawn. Here is a video recap of some of our FAV photos over the last year in 2 minutes).

Dog Birthday Present

A teeter-totter of her very own so that we can practice it daily at home and overcome the worries and training issues that we’ve been having with the teeter over the last year.

dog birthday present - a new agility teeter-totter for clover - champion of my heart

Thanks, again, to Canine Cupcakes for the special dog birthday treats to help us celebrate Clover’s third birthday.

dog birthday

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. What a fun day! I love that the cupcakes are wheat-free. I’m sure our puppy baby would love them.

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