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FREE e-book "8 Things to Know About Veterinary Care"

September 13, 2012

Taking care of Lilly now that the vaccine-induced meningoencephalomyelitis has reared its ugly head again means noticing what she can and cannot do. Here are a few examples you might find interesting.

What Lilly Can Do

  • Lilly can walk.
  • Lilly can climb stairs.
  • Lilly can cantilever herself onto the sofa.
  • Lilly can hold it better and sometimes pee on her own.
  • Lilly can play.
  • Lilly can eat.
  • Lilly can sleep.
  • Lilly can be happy.
  • Lilly can sass Ginko.

What Lilly Cannot Do

  • Lilly cannot walk very far.
  • Lilly cannot move or climb stairs very fast.
  • Lilly cannot jump onto even low furniture and never even tries to jump into our laps or onto the bed.
  • Lilly cannot fully empty her own bladder on her own.
  • Lilly cannot play for very long without tiring.
  • Lilly cannot fix her steroid-caused muscle wasting simply by eating more.
  • Lilly cannot sleep through the night, yet.
  • Lilly cannot jump or do agility.
  • Lilly cannot really wrestle or play with Ginko.
While hanging outside with Lilly recently, I took the opportunity to whisper in her ear that *if* she happened to have a miraculous recovery up her sleeve, that NOW would be the time to play that card. I think Lilly is both smart enough and ornery enough to play a little trick like that. Don’t you?
About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. Have you considered consulting with a veterinary homeopath, or other holistic practitioner?

    Conventional medicine does not have all the answers.

    Wishing you and Lilly all the Best.

  2. miracles do happen. heard your theme song just now. made me stop and breathe deeply for a few minutes.

  3. The list of positives shows that Lilly still has a great quality of life in spite of everything (thanks to your devoted care and her ongoing treatment). I continue to hope that her list of “cannot do’s” will grow shorter over time. A miraculous recovery would be better still! If anyone can do it, Lilly can. 🙂

  4. Sounds like some good things are happening for Lilly. Hoping your next report will bring even
    more good news.

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