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FREE e-book "8 Things to Know About Veterinary Care"

September 2, 2008

If I had to guess, I’d say Lilly hovers around 20% of normal after Saturday night’s rattlesnake bite and ensuing medical intervention. It’s hard to say how much of her lagging energy comes from the injury itself and how much comes from all the medicines she’s taking. She’s allowed very limited freedom outside a few minutes at a time, and even that tires her out. So, I know she does not feel well at all.

She seemed pretty perky Monday morning after a good night’s sleep at home, but after just a couple running passes at Ginko and a little walking around in the middle pasture with me on leash, her little bow-legged, border collie butt was dragging.

On the upside, she’s eating well and seems to be sleeping well. She’s good about taking her pills, wrapped in cheese. And, she plays along when I float kibble in a bowl of water to encourage her to drink more. Without being too graphic about why, I’ll just say that I’ve been feeding her whole wheat cereal and crackers a bit today, and I’ll probably add some canned pumpkin to her canned food tonight to add even more fiber.

Most of the swelling is gone, but I’m still letting her be naked — no collar — so that the fluid won’t build up in her neck again.

She does smile once in a while, and she does occasionally sass Ginko, so I know my Lilly is in there somewhere. She’s just wading through a lot physically and mentally to reach the surface.

We’re not playing at all. We’re not training at all. We’re just being right now. As much as I’m dying to cuddle with her a lot, she seems to need her space to just sleep, so I’m doing my best not to fuss on her too much.

I still haven’t really broken down and bawled yet. I did get misty when we had to leave her Saturday night, and I do get a little weepy here and there, but I think I’m still mostly running on adrenalin and caffeine, even though I’m trying to stick to water, fruits and vegetables today.

I think maybe I’m too tired to cry right now … that, and I have too much work to really fall apart.

I promise to get back to more typical content. So for now, just assume that she’s making a slow, steady recovery.

Thanks for all the calls and emails and comments. I appreciate the support and encouragement and sympathy.

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. Oh my gosh, as if you and Lilly didn’t have enough on your plate without having a rattlesnake bite to add to the mix. I’m so glad to hear that she is recovering, even if only in baby steps for now.

  2. Rox, just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and Lilly. Best wishes for a speedy recovery — to the both of you. Cindy Lee

  3. It’s so sad. She wants to do more, but then gets this “Oh, boy! That hurt.” look on her face. She’s bugging me a bit more today, but mostly she’s sleeping. We take just a few 5-minute strolls outside each day to get her some fresh air and a little exercise.

  4. We, ahem, needed to go the other direction. The pumpkin puree worked fine. She’s having much less trouble today. Good point on the yogurt, though. I’ll get some plain stuff next time I’m in town.

  5. Poor baby! I’d be hovering, too. But, like you said, she probably just needs good food and good sleep and she’ll be fine.

  6. Rice is also good for, um, firming things up. We feed it all the time when the dogs get sore tums. Yogurt is good too esp. if she’s on antibiotics.

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