I took the day off to volunteer at an agility trial today. I haven’t seen the news, but I suspect the temp hovered around 100 degrees. It was brutal. I don’t know how the dogs even ran. Just a couple quick notes … Being a worker bee that few know or notice is an interesting experience.
As a reporter by profession, I’m used to watching and listening to people … sometimes directly, sometimes not. In other words, I’m VERY used to being the stranger in the room.
I’m too tired to go into it, but let’s just say that some people never cease to amaze me.
Then, if you’ll allow just one more HUGE whine, I’ll add that at the end of a long day my ignition jammed up somehow, so my key would not start my car. I had to wait nearly 2 hours after the trial ended for my darling husband to come rescue me. His key did not work either, so he ended up practically tearing apart the whole steering section of my dashboard. He, then, pulled out the locking mechanism and found a way to start my car with a screw driver. I suspect that he essentially hot-wired it so that I could at least come home.
We’ll deal with the bigger problem later.
For now, I’m just hot and tired and glad to be home … even if it’s 3+ hours later than I’d hoped.
All hail Tom, my rescuer in chief!