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October 13, 2022

It's bittersweet to receive Dream's dog DNA test results after her unexpected death on Sept 27, 2022, but the results are still kind of fun. Especially, the random big dog breed in her family tree. We used Embark, just as we did for Mr. Stix's big breed reveal. Because Dream was so lanky, we thought she might have some whippet DNA, but nope. 


Dream's original shelter chart listed her as a lab mix, but there's no lab in there either. Many people also guessed a pittie mix, but that's not it either ... even though in some photos Dream looked a LOT like Hatchi from Romping and Rolling in the Rockies. 

foster puppy dream full body portrait

Dog DNA Test Results - Video Reveal

I know this is all probably super automated, but I enjoy these dog DNA test results videos that Embark makes. My only real gripe this time is that their email alerts about the testing process and the results being ready failed. I looked on the website myself and found the results ready last week. 

Dog DNA Test Results Family Tree

Yep, a couple generations back apparently Dream's family tree includes Great Pyrenees. How hilarious is that? Maybe that's why she seemed so tall for such a young puppy (just 3 months old or so). 

dog dna test results family tree

These dog DNA test results came back VERY similar to Tori's, except her rando breed was English Springer Spaniel. Both of Dream and Tori's results show basically equal parts Australian Shepherd and Border Collie with a little mishmash of other things. 

dog dna test results from royal canin 2016

Dog DNA Test Results - Percentages

Here's how Dream's breed makeup percentages came out:

  • 42.3% Australian Shepherd
  • 40.3% Border Collie 
  • 7.1% Great Pyrenees
  • 10.3% Supermutt
dog dna test results breed list and percentages

How It Works

Here are photos of the test kit. Plus, we made a little video showing saliva sample collection for the dog DNA test. My camera angle isn't great, but it's another chance to see how sweet Dream was. 100% angel. We miss her so much.

Extra Fun With Dog DNA Test Results

One thing I like a lot about the Embark dog DNA tests is that you can connect, sort of social media like, with people whose dogs tested with similar results. There is one dog, for example, who looks JUST LIKE Dream, green eyes and all.  She is chonkier, though, with some cattledog DNA too. 

Sad Milestone Ahead

Saturday, October 15, 2022, marks 19 days since Dream died. She only lived with us for 19 days, and yet we love her as we do those who lived with us for many years. 

dog's ashes, paw print, etc.

The one and only photo of me and Dream together, though, you can also see us at the beginning of the video on this foster puppy set up post.

About the Author Roxanne Hawn

Trained as a traditional journalist and based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, I'm a full-time freelance writer for magazines, websites, and private clients. My areas of specialty include everything in the lifestyles arena, including health and home, personal finance and other consumer interests, relationships and trends, people and business profiles ... and, of course, all things pet related.

I don't just love dogs. I need them in my life. Seriously.

  1. I’m so, so sorry Dream is now a dream, but she was such a great dog while you had her and she had a fantastic home. Loved the results!! I’ve noticed on so many dogs with BC and/or Aussie, it really comes through. It would be hard getting the results after she was gone, but you’d always wonder. Hugs.

  2. DNA holds many surprises, I think it’s especially nice sweet Dream had 40.3 Border Collie! We did DNA on a couple of rescue German Shepherd puppies, they have to be purebred to qualify for guiding the blind. Both were accepted, only one made it to the program. Dream touched so many, she was and is 100% Angel, run free precious girl.

  3. I have always been amazed on the DNA results of dogs. I know I should get our two adopted pups done. So many look at “looks like” but really never know what our pets make up is.

    I know Dream had the best life in those 19 days of being fostered with you

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