vpa - veterinary professional associate - colorado ballot measure 2024

I unpublished and updated this post about the VPA ballot measure in Colorado after reading additional input from the veterinary world and seeing DVMs on Twitter, in particular, calling BS on the ballot measure’s purported goals. So, here we go again. Jump down to the section called Other Reasons to Oppose It to catch up, if you read the earlier version!

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PD the pug books - dog book reviews

That tiny foster pug puppy from a few years ago came as a revelation. One of the things I love about fostering is getting the chance to experience breeds I’d never know otherwise. So, I felt pretty excited to read some books written by PD the Pug.

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puppy rabies case in colorado main graphic

By now, most of you know about this puppy rabies situation in Colorado with a Denver-area rescue group called Moms and Mutts that specializes in pregnant and/or nursing momma dogs and their litters. I contacted the state’s public health department to get answers to some of the common questions people ask about this case and why the entire litter of puppies needed to be euthanized and tested for rabies.

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bird flu and pets main graphic featuring colorful pigeons

Our home state Colorado has seen some bird flu issues recently. Bird flu sweeping through farms with egg-laying hens. Bird flu in dairy cows. Even some cases of bird flu in people and now cats! One other related news item coming out of Japan also caught my eye.

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Dog needle core biopsy main image - illustration with 2 medical looking people on a light blue background - other icons include a syringe, a chart, an IV bag, and a thermometer

Full disclosure, the study on dog needle core biopsy results is small. Very small. Like just 17 cats and 3 dogs in the study. However, it looks like this biopsy option might be just as useful (and safe) as the typical surgical biopsies (with bigger incisions). I, honestly, had no idea veterinarians needed so many

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dog CPR website article main graphic

The first RECOVER guidelines for dog CPR and cat CPR published in 2012. A whole bunch of experts in veterinary emergency and critical care went through and updated the guidelines based on what we know in 2024. Some of the stats on CPR for pets in veterinary settings surprised me, so let’s look at what’s changed (or not).

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psilocybin for dogs main graphic

Seriously. We need to talk about psilocybin for dogs because apparently people are giving psychedelics to pets. Major, major yikes. The potential uses, though, by trained professionals may be a real game changer for dogs with fear, trauma, or socialization issues.

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veterinary hospital shooting main graphic

More than a year ago, we reported on this veterinary hospital shooting in Kentucky. It took me a while and some money to get access to the police records and other background information. I spoke with members of the victim’s family a few times. I also kept putting off digging into the details because it breaks my heart. Now that I’ve read through all the investigative paperwork and interviews and watched some (but not all) of the video provided on 9 DVDs, including law enforcement body cams, maybe someone like me with a long history writing about veterinary medicine can offer some fair insights, including several factors that made things worse.

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dog book for kids review - Maya & Watters #1 - I have to scoop what by WT Kosmos

Don’t you love the idea of kids learning about dogs through reading? WT Kosmos asked me for a dog book for kids review for the first book in a planned series. It’s called Maya & Waggers – I have to scoop what? (ha ha) The truth is that I had a few issues with some things in the chapter book for kids ages 8 and up. Let’s clap for Kosmos who took my feedback and made revisions so that kids learn accurate (and safe) info about dogs and dog training, including how to teach sit and the dangers of dogs running loose. Yay! Let’s take a look at the book’s premise.

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high alp in dogs main graphic

Wading through a huge stack of veterinary studies about CBD for dogs, it’s clear that long-term use of CBD often causes high ALP in dogs. ALP is the abbreviation for alkaline phosphatase. It’s typically used as a routine bloodwork measurement of liver function. Of course, it’s all more complicated than that. It turns out that several things (other than liver problems) can cause high ALP in dogs too.

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